So a Certain Mailer Arrived in Mailboxes Today...
Source: So a certain mailer arrived in mailboxes today, endorsing a certain group of candidates. These candidates are mostly former Board members who we voted off last year, and with good reason. While this mailer may look a little like the one our team sent out last year, these are NOT our choice of candidates. Tom Conlee, Janice Tankson, Mike Foster, and Paul Westphal are the Board members we, as a community, worked so hard to remove from the Board a year ago. Let's get straight to the point: Westphal's group has had YEARS to prove what kind of leadership they will provide to Riverwood, and actions speak louder than words. Let's take a closer look at their campaign promises versus their history on the Board. “ Getting out CCR’s amended to eliminate any conversions in Riverwood, to rental properties” Westphal's group has already proven incapable of success in this endeavor, based on the failu...